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Time to Check-In: Mindfulness
Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Category: ZOOM Speaker Series

Time to Check-In: What do I need to support myself in the moment?

Presented by: Connie Cudnohowski, MBA, Mindful Leadership Educator

See your email for the ZOOM log-in link. 

Are you one of the people saying you could use a self-quarantine FROM yourself?  I’ve heard several people share they are overthinking, using self-criticism because they are ‘not getting it right’ either wasting too much time or are pushing themselves over the edge because they trying to take care of everything ‘perfectly.’

Have pen and paper ready, we’ll do a journaling exercise to begin the process of cultivating our own inner knowledge by observing how our triggers impact us, we’ll combine that with a brief intro to mindfulness and a self-compassion practice.  Research shows that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional well-being, better coping with life's challenges, lower levels of stress and anxiety, and more satisfying, compassionate relationships.     

See you Wednesday, but in the interim, consider checking out an old blog post I wrote about improving awareness which offers suggestions of how to start the process of ‘checking in’ on our emotions, especially if we are typically analytical thinkers. https://www.conniec.net/post/2017/09/06/check-your-emotions-at-the-door-analytical-thinkers-and-eq 

Offered by Connie Cudnohowski. Connie has been teaching yoga and mindfulness for over 10 years. She has been interested in the intersection of the neuroscience of the mind body connection and personal leadership for many years.